
Competion is cancelled


Kajaani Hisu Games ja Kainuun AM 28.3.2020 and open classes 29.3.2020


Competition dates, distances and classes

28.3.2019 middle distance

H/D 11, H/D13, H/D15, H/D17, H/D20, H/D21, H/D35–H/D85

Eligibility to FC contests is consistent with the Finnish Orienteering Association rules.

Sunday open classes 3km and 5km.


Latest on 22.3.2019, at 24:00 by using Finnish Orienteering Federation IRMA service,

Here are instructions for IRMA:

Late registration is received with 1,5-times the normal entry fee. Late entries will be accepted until 25.3.2019 at 24:00 by using Finnish Orienteering Federation IRMA service.

When you register for the competition, you must remember to mention your EmiTag-card number. If you do not mention EmiTag-card number, we will rent you a card, which you can get from the info for 10€. If you forget to hand in the rented EmiTag after the competition, you will be charged 125 euros.

Open classes entry to competition center. 

Participation fees

In the classes H/D13, H/D15, H/D17, H/D20, the fee is 14 €/day and in other classes 21 €/day.

The entry fee must be paid by using the Finnish Orienteering Federation’s IRMA service at same time as the registration.

Open classes on sunday 10€/ person.

Competition center and parking

Competition center is Kajaani’s Vimpeli sportcentrum: Kuntokatu 13, 87100 Kajaani. Walking distan from parking is about 500meter. We will serve cafeteria products in the competition centre. Also toilets, showers and dressing rooms are located in the competition centre.



Ski-o map 3/2020, the size is A4 and the scale is 1:10 000 or 1:75000.



Saturday, 28.3., the first start at 12:00

Sunday open class starts at 9:30-10:00


Possible changes and thermal boundary

Temperature limit is -20°C one hour before the first start. According to the competition jury decision, the first start can be delayed or the race cancelled. Information of the possible delay or cancellation will be found on the site



Competition director Reetta Hämäläinen

Course setter Noora Räisänen

Course controller Markku Tolonen and Seppo Järvinen


Questions and more information


Welcome to Kajaani!

Kajaanin Suunnistajat

Embargoed area